A collection of photos of some of our completed Cast Iron Fences
1. Victorian Cast Iron Fence with PE52 and PE53 Design Spears with Lion Head Columns on a Bluestone Base
2. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Featuring Cast Iron Lionhead Columns and PC32 and PC33 Spears mounted on a Bluestone Base
3. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Comprised of Lionhead Columns and PE52 and PE53 Cast Iron Spears in a Bluestone Base
4. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Comprised of Large Lionhead Columns and PE52 and PE53 Spears in a Bluestone Base
5. Victorian Cast Iron Fence featuring Lionhead Columns with PE52 and PE53 Spears mounted on a Bluestone Base
6. Victorian Cast Iron Fence featuring PE52 and PE53 Spears and a Cast Iron Gate
7. Ornate Victorian Cast Iron Fence featuring CO81 Spears and a Cast Iron Feature Gate with L35S Lace
8. Victorian Cast Iron Fence featuring Large Lionhead Columns and PE52 and PE53 Spears with Cast Iron Swing Gates mounted on Bluestone Pedestals
9. Victorian Cast Iron Fence featuring PE52 and PE53 Spears and Lionhead Columns mounted on Bluestone Pedestals
10. Victorian Cast Iron Fence featuring Lionhead Columns and PE52 and PE53 Spears mounted on Bluestone Pedestals
11. Victorian Cast Iron Fence featuring Large Lionhead Columns with PE52 and PE53 Spears and a set of Cast Iron Feature Swing Gates with Gate Lace mounted on Bluestone Pedestals
12. Victorian Cast Iron Fence featuring Large Lionhead Columns with PE52 and PE53 Spears and a set of Cast Iron Feature Swing Gates with Gate Lace mounted on Bluestone Pedestals
13. Cast Iron Fence Featuring Lion Head columns with PE52 and PE53 Spears and a Cast Iron Pedestrian Gates
14. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Featuring Lionhead Columns and PC32 and PC33 Spears on a Bluestone Base
15. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Featuring Lionhead Columns and PE52 and PE53 Spears with a Cast Iron Feature Gate
16. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Featuring Lionhead Columns and PE52 and PE53 Spears mounted on a Bluestone Base
17. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Featuring Large Lionhead Columns and PE52 and PE53 Spears mounted on a Bluestone Base
18. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Featuring Large Lionhead Columns and PE52 and PE53 Spears mounted on a Bluestone Base
19. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Featuring PC32 and PC33 Cast Iron Spears with a Cast Iron Feature Gate mounted on Bluestone Pedestals
20. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Featuring Athena Columns and PO90 Cast Iron Spears mounted on a Bluestone Base
21. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Featuring Lionhead Columns and PE52 and PE53 Cast Iron Spears mounted on a Bluestone Base
22. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Featuring Large Lionhead Columns and PE52 and PE53 Spears mounted on a Bluestone Base
23. Victorian Combination Timber and Cast Iron Fence Featuring Victoria Cast Iron Capitals and PO62 Cast Iron Spears
24. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Featuring Large Lionhead Columns and PC32 and PC33 Spears mounted on a Bluestone Base
25. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Featuring Large Lionhead Columns and PE52 and PE53 Spears mounted on a Bluestone Base
26. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Comprised of Lionhead Columns and PE52 and PE53 Spears Mounted on a Bluestone Base with a Cast Iron Feature Gate
27. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Comprised of Athena Columns and CO32 Spears Mounted on a Bluestone Base
28. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Comprised of Athena Columns with CO32 Spears mounted on a Bluestone Base
29. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Comprised of Lionhead Columns and PE53 Spears mounted on a Bluestone Base
30. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Comprised of Lionhead Columns and PD20 Spears with a Cast Iron Gate mounted on a Bluestone Base
31. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Comprised of PD23 and PD24 Spears with a Cast Iron Gate mounted on a Bluestone Base
32. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Comprised of Lionhead Columns with PE52 and PE53 Spears mounted on a Bluestone Base
33. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Comprised of Lionhead Columns and CO32 Spears mounted on a Bluestone Base
34. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Comprised of CO81 Spears mounted on a Bluestone Base
35. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Comprised of Lionhead Columns with PC33 Spears and a Cast Iron Feature Gate mounted on a Bluestone Base
36. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Comprised of Lionhead Columns with PO62 and PF64 Spears with a Cast Iron Gate mounted on a Bluestone Base
37. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Comprised of Lionhead Columns with
38. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Comprised of Lionhead Columns with PE52 and PE53 Spears mounted on a Bluestone Base with a Cast Iron Feature Gate
39. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Comprised of Lionhead Columns with PE52 and PE53 Spears mounted on a Bluestone Base with a Cast Iron Feature Gate
40. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Comprised of Lionhead Columns with PE52 and PE53 Spears mounted on a Bluestone Base with a Cast Iron Feature Gate
41. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Comprised of Lionhead Columns with CO32 Posts and PC33 Spears mounted on a Bluestone Base with a Cast Iron Feature Gate
42. Victorian Cast Iron Fence Comprised of CO32 Posts with PC33 Spears mounted on a Bluestone Base with a Cast Iron Feature Gate